



army ['ɑ:mi]n.军队,陆军

An army is a large organized group of people who are armed and trained to fight on land in a war. Most armies are organized and controlled by governments. 陆军

troops [tru:ps]n.军队,部队

Troops are soldiers, especially when they are in a large organized group doing a particular task. 士兵

forces ['f?:siz]n.军队,部队

The forces means the army, the navy, or the air force, or all three. 军队; 海陆空军

armed forces [ɑ:md 'f?:siz]n.武装部队

services ['s?:visis]n.军种

ground force [ɡraund f?:s]n.陆军

land force [l?nd f?:s]n.陆军

air force [?? f?:s]n.空军

navy ['neivi]n.海军

the three services [e? θri: 's?:visis]n.三军

service forces ['s?:vis f?:siz]n.后勤部队

rear services [ri? 's?:vis]n.后勤部队

regular army ['reɡjul? 'ɑ:mi]n.正规军

standing army ['st?ndi? 'ɑ:mi]n.常备军

field army [fi:ld 'ɑ:mi]n.野战军

local forces ['l?uk?l f?:siz]n.地方军

garrison ['ɡ?risn]n.卫戍部队

frontier guards ['fr?nti? ɡɑ:dz]n.边防部队

fighting troops ['faiti? tru:ps]n.作战部队

air defence forces [?? di'fens f?:siz]n.防空部队

air unit [?? 'ju:nit]n.航空部队

airborne force['??b?:n f?:s]n.空降部队

paratroops ['p?r?tru:ps]n.伞兵部队

tank forces [t??k 'f?:siz]n.坦克部队

engineer troops [?end?i'ni? tru:ps]n.工程兵部队

artillery(troops) [ɑ:'til?ri (tru:ps)] n.炮兵部队

mechanized troops ['mek?naizd tru:ps]n.机械化部队

reinforcements [?ri:in'f?:sm?nts]n.增援部队

relief force [ri'li:f f?:s]n.援军

task force [tɑ:sk f?:s]n.特遣部队

armoured force ['ɑ:m?d f?:s]n.装甲兵部队

transportation troops [?tr?nsp?:'tei??n tru:ps]n.运输部队

motorized troops ['m?ut?raizd tru:ps]n.摩托化部队

signal corps ['siɡn?l k?:]n.通信兵部队

marine corps [m?'ri:n k?:]n.海军陆战队

naval air force ['neiv?l ?? f?:s]n.海军航空兵

fleet [fli:t]n.舰队

reserve unit[ri'z?:v 'ju:nit]n.后备部队

reserves [ri:z?:vz]n.后备军

self-defence corps [?selfdi'fens k?:]n.自卫队

public security troops ['p?blik si'kju?riti tru:ps]n.公安部队

crack troops [kr?k tru:ps]n.王牌军,精锐部队

reconnaissance troops [ri'k?nis?ns tru:ps]n.侦察部队

guerrilla forces [ɡ?'ril? f?:siz]n.游击队

volunteers [?v?l?n'ti?z]n.志愿军

expeditionary force [?ekspi'di??n?ri f?:s]n.远征军

column ['k?l?m]n.纵队

detachment [di't?t?m?nt]n.分遣队

rocket troops ['r?kit tru:ps]n.火箭部队

amphibious forces [?m'fibi?s f?:s]n.两栖部队

dare-to-diecorps ['d??t?'dai 'k?:]n.敢死队

advance troops [?d'vɑ:ns tru:ps]n.先遣部队

shock troops [??k tru:ps]n.突击部队

assault force[?'s?:lt f?:s]n.突击队

commando [k?'m?nd?u]n.突击队

chemical corps ['kemik?l k?:]n.化学兵部队


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